Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mack Truck

That's what I feel like hit me tonight. I know there's lots of stuff going around, including whatever Matthew, Mike and Libby are all fighting in various degrees. Matt's coughing, Michael's got a sore throat and Libby's got a little dose of everything.

Maybe I'm next? Because it took alllllll my energy tonight to order two Christmas gifts online and now, to get ready to roll into bed. I feel FINE but this has gotta be a flu coming (no, it's nothing more interesting than that making me tired, I assure you).

Sure is GREAT TIMING, hope it hits just in time for my biz trip next week. Or wait - better stil! just in time for my weekend BEFORE my biz trip. YES - that'll be it.

Kinda pessimistic I know but ... really, I feel like one of you came over and took all the bones out of my body today.

Off to ooze to bed...


Anonymous said...

me too!

Anonymous said...

Well whatever you have traversed the network of elementary school children down highway 70 to me. Thanks!