Monday, April 28, 2008


Guess what I'll be doing the last weekend of May, assuming the move/moving/close 1/close 2/giant deposit checks/boxes/packing/unpacking/cleaning doesn't kill me?

Watching the Sex and the City movie - alone with my popcorn, or with whatever girlfriends will join me. I don't get to name my daughter Carrie BECAUSE of this show (Michael says it reminds him too much) so this movie better be damn good to make-up for it.

The noly thing missing will be Cosmos - oh well, I'll have double the Sno-caps instead.


mcdelanty said...

There is no way the sex and the city movie could beat out 8 mile. (real/fake sex). Midge

erindelanty said...

look at big d - coming into the blog circuit - i think you might even be reading these routinely! welcome, welcome! :)

i'm in for the movie and i'll drink your cosmos for you my friend! :)

Melanie said...

Congrats on the new house, Muldrows!

nope said...

I'll totally see that with you. I tivo'd yesterday's Oprah featuring the Fab Four and got super excited about it. The clothes! The shoes! The cosmos!