Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still Here

One of my loyal readers ordered me to update my blog tonight. I was going to cheat and post pictures - you know, of my son, Matthew? The one I used to talk incessantly about and have recently abandoned talking about all together? I have very sweet photos of him.

But Blogger's being a little biyatch and it's not working, so we'll have to try something else. Since I'm feeling a little guilt for not updating various Gamas on the goings on of their boy, here goes:

Some cute things he's done: Run and hug my legs when I got home, "Mama, mama!" with a huge smile. Order me and NOT daddy to push his stroller. When presented with option of eating or going to bed, get a grin, whispter, "Eat..." and begin fake eating his yogurt. Sing Rock a Bye Baby with me - word for word - for the last few nights in a row. Three times in a row, per night. Color all over his arm with markers. Play all weekend with his cousin Danny - giggling and chasing each other taking up 90% of that time. Hug and kiss the dog and say "Sorry" after the dog knocked him over tonight. Name his cabbage patch kid "Baby Shane" (nice ring, eh EEJ?) and insist on putting it to bed, in his crib, with his trains and his blankeys. Then climbing in to cuddle him.

Other stuff he does: Have a fit if we mention food to him when he's not interested in eating. Insist on riding his "motorcycle" when we come back from walks and woe be to us if we remind him 7:30 is bedtime not motorcycle time. Have a fit if we put on brown shoes and he wanted green shoes. Hoarding all cars/trains while visiting cousin Danny, cradling them to his chest and frequently punctuating the situation with "Mine! My trains, MINE!" Have a fit about once a week where he is inconsolable. Then just as suddenly wipe his eyes and say "Matthew's HAP-PEEE!" Right in the middle of my nervous breakdown.

Hopefully I can show you evidence soon that we've actually still got him running around here somewhere. I promise I didn't trade him in for the girl model.

1 comment:

erindelanty said...

yes, more pictures please! at least he wants you to push the cart/stroller! i'm always second behind daddy, aunt meme, random stranger in schnucks...