Then crash your Aunt Erin's 29th birthday party. While there, really make your mark. Just because the party's at Bridget's grama's house, and it's Bridget's ball, doesn't mean it's hers tonight. It's YOUR BIRTHDAY!
Finish 'er off with a raging kegger. Or, if your square parents say no, a Gymboree party with slides, balls, cake and way too many generous presents ought to suffice. (For full documentation, see my Picasa photo account to the right.) 
To my birthday boy:
You make us laugh every day now, and this weekend was no exception. It was SO fun watching you jump, climb and be adventurous with your friends. You're quite the two-year old already - demanding this, demanding that, demanding even louder NOT to do this or that ...
Pointing out planes and "tractors" (helicopters) in the sky with so much excitement. Running at top speed with your legs almost in front of your body. Kissing the dogs, cat, Daddy, me and now your babies good night. Patting the baby in my tummy - then patting your "baby" in yours ...
Saying please and thank you in your tiny little voice - often in the right context, but even sweeter when you're thanking me as YOU hand ME your used sippy cup ...
Not just giggling, but screaming with joy now when we tickle you. Just like I did when I was a little kid ...
Learning to draw, learning to count. Screaming out letters when you see them in signs. Telling me there's a triangle on Dad's shirt (when did you even LEARN THAT?) Loving your Gramas, your Daddy, your friend Jackson, Bridgey ... loving everyone around you, really.
You are my sweet, sweet boy, and I wish I could keep you this way for another few years. Well, most days, that is.
I love it all, and I love you. Happy birthday, big boy!