Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And Now It's Time for Some Bragging

So we are playing with one of our many new wooden puzzles from Christmas. It was an alphabet one.

Oh sure, he knows the A and the M and the K and a few others. We always do those first as the ol' self-esteem builder. And naturally we whip that out like a parlor trick around company and family every chance we get.

But tonight he shows me he knows X. O.
The W, for God's sake, the W!!

Where is he getting this?

We do have these great foam alphabet letters for the bathtub, and we practice them a lot. But I swear I don't remember an X ever coming up. And he knows it. I assume that means Libby or Mike taught him - but still - wow, my baby, knowing letters, just like I know letters.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Our 2007 Christmas So Far

Well, Christmas has kicked off. We opened presents at my parents last night and it was GREAT.

We finally stuck to our promises to dial it down with the gifts - a little - which no one but us can probably tell.

Cousins Conner, Morgan and Logan are THE best thing Matthew's gotten since he's been here, though.

Hanging with Morgan and Logan learning Webkins was the best gift he could get.

Though of course we're missing our Muldrow family and STL friends ... we're having a great time, especially watching Matthew have a blast with so many toys, kids and COOKIES (thanks, Aunt Erika).

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My God What Have I Been Thinking

Anyone who knows me knows get stressed. About work. Constantly. Just can't shut down, not worry, let it go.

It's more my problem than anything probably. Maybe. But regardless I've found a new solution.

When you come home late and just have time to put read 1/2 a story and then put your baby to bed and you're feeling a little bummed about that...and you're having to wait 20 min for your stupid stupid frozen pizza...

And your husband offers you white wine...

You say YES!

I am not a big weekday drinker. Between wake ups, headaches, chores and Points, it's just not been my thing. Until now.

Two glasses in (yup) I feel better than I have in days. Weeks. After a hellaciously stupidly long day, I'm now happily blogging with no cares in the world. Sure they'll be there tomorrow and probably double from whatever I'm neglecting tonight.

But right now - all's right with the world - Merry Christmas to all, and to all a helluva good night.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Anyone else have this? (Libby I'm talking to you here)

I'm getting a little work done. It's quiet (Mike's doing the same and Matt's in bed and dogs are having a snow party outside).

And all I can hear ringing in my head is...
uppee uppee uppee UPPEEEEEE!
uppee UPPEE!

We taught him cutesy words like "uppey" for getting picked up and "milkies" for, well, milk.

But my how the too cute luster fades when screamed 800 times a day in your general direction. Not sure what's going on with him but all of a sudden - and all weekend long - he is all "I NEED UPPEEES and I need them NOW. NOW being EVERY 10 SECONDS. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE DOING THE DISHES OR PULLING HOT THINGS OUT OF THE OVEN. Like, NOW MOMMY!"

For one brief moment, I'll admit the quiet peace of my office is not sounding too bad tomorrow.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Not to steal Erin's thunder from her likely impending Weather Off post ...

But 4 - 6 inches, my butt!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Just ordered my Christmas cards. The level of accomplishment and relief I feel is paramount to getting a raise and going on vacation all at once. My pride is as though I hand painted the damn things myself.

I gotta get a grip. It's CHEAP PRINTED PHOTO CARDS not the Mona Lisa.

Holidays make us ladiez go crazeeee.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Well It's About Time for Some Holiday Cheer

It's been a long time between posts and tonight doesn't hold much more promise for a meaningful update as I need to stop soon and pack for my trip tomorrow.

(Side note: thought I'd catch up on my posting while I traveled last week but somehow between catching up on e-mail and dinnner each night, I just ran out of steam around 9 every night. Somehow just being out of town took it out of me. I think my body sensed there's no baby husband or dogs around to need anything ... and just shuts down ... and demands that I self-soothe (being away sucks) by laying in the hotel bed in my p.j.'s eating ice cream from the hotel shop while watching HBO movies.)

Anyway, since I returned it's been a flurry of holiday fun before I left again. Including a visit to Santa (photo, tears and all TO COME once I figure out my scanner), a pre-Christmas visit with Grama LeBaige and not one but TWO trips to Toys R Us (and I know I'm not done) for various kid gifts.

And then - da da da DA - we got our TREE!

Matthew was pretty interested for a while. "Ball, ball!" and liked to shake them. And two broken as a result.
He got most excited about hanging his little teddy bear ... which was actually MINE when I was a kid. Ah, does it get any better than that?
Must have taken 20 photos to get one showing the lighting decently. A photographer, I ain't.
One cheery holiday task down, 892 to go!