Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mack Truck

That's what I feel like hit me tonight. I know there's lots of stuff going around, including whatever Matthew, Mike and Libby are all fighting in various degrees. Matt's coughing, Michael's got a sore throat and Libby's got a little dose of everything.

Maybe I'm next? Because it took alllllll my energy tonight to order two Christmas gifts online and now, to get ready to roll into bed. I feel FINE but this has gotta be a flu coming (no, it's nothing more interesting than that making me tired, I assure you).

Sure is GREAT TIMING, hope it hits just in time for my biz trip next week. Or wait - better stil! just in time for my weekend BEFORE my biz trip. YES - that'll be it.

Kinda pessimistic I know but ... really, I feel like one of you came over and took all the bones out of my body today.

Off to ooze to bed...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Great Little Thanksgiving

A little ping pong

A little fun in Grama's new tub

A lot of photo shoots in matching outfits
And a lot of cousinly love. Matthew and Danny hope it was a happy Thanksgiving for you, too!

Monday, November 19, 2007

GoooooOOOOO, ME!

Not even Turkey Day, and I've ordered seven, count 'em, gifts online AND started an obnoxious but functional Christmas spreadsheet.

Maybe all my years of project management in the workplace have finally sunk into some legitimate part of my brain. Because I am determined to be organized and ahead (or at least, on) time with holiday stuff this year.

And by God, there will be a finely decorated Christmas tree in my front window within seven business days after Thanksgiving this year. (Or else my project tracker will turn "red" and mark the tree "at risk" for non-completion.)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


There's a first time for everything with a toddler...
Tonight it was spaghetti!

Why I Hate the Internet and Technology in General

Because somehow it's taken me one hour and 15 minutes of my precious Sunday to:
Call Shutterfly and alert them that my picture order had an odd white border that I didn't order.
Learn they recommend that I upload them again but direct to Shutterfly this time vs. through Picasa.
Upload them.
For 28 minutes.
Finally review photos and fix red eye on several. Wait for that. (The little hamster in my laptop is running super slow today, it seems).
Painstakingly make decisions on the ones I want/don't want.
Get error screen.
Get back to main screen - AH.
See "O" in the Halloween 2007 photo folder - oh no!.
Realize all pics are unexplainably gone.
Get cursing mad ... realize must start all over.

THIS is why I never get anything done like, oh, print photos from the last 10 months. Two weeks ago I boldly decided that I'm going to order pictures as I take them! And I will start with Halloween, YES! Only to get the technology smackdown.

Next on my to do list was checking our online bank statements but ... God forbid that system's down ... my laptop screen might not survive it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What a Week Can Do

I was out of town this week and I swear my son grew. He also turned 19 months (Michael had to correct me when I said 18 last night).

He also learned how to initiate patty cake. Started doing it himself during my Welcome Back, Mommy dinner at Chevy's last night.

He has gotten even better at building with blocks.

And he's more regularly asking for the dogs by names - if their names are Body and Miphy.

AND he's sitting still on the changing pad now ... IF you let him pull it out from under the bed, and also let him open the cabinet to pull out the diapers and wipes.

And, finally, he was even more full of overgrown blond cowlicks than when I left, I swear. So off we went to Cool Cuts today.

This ideallyic scene belies the chaos that is about to ensue upon Ms. Nikki's first snip.

Does he look like he's plotting a giant struggling fit?

I couldn't get any photos of the main event because I was too busy pinning his arms down.

After much screaming and many giant crocodile tears, Ms. Nikki accomplished her goal and my son's head is tidy again. Followed by new, equally pathetic tears when I tore him from the Thomas the Tank train playset in their waiting area.

We left the shop with me leading him reluctantly by the hand, through the parking lot, him bawling and telling me "No, no, no, NO!" like I was tearing his little 19 month old heart right out.

NOW I get why kids are spoiled. Because, especially after work pulls you away more than you like, you just want to make them happy. And you'd do anything to avoid a face like THIS.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anyone Else Hate This?

I love it when nice older ladies call me hon, or babe. I feel cared for, in good hands, like they know wordly things and they'll just handle whatever comes our way. Hey Babe, how you doing? Love it, love it.

But for some reason, when women my age or - gag - younger than me call me Honey, it makes me want to punch something.

I guess I take that back. If you are my very good friend and we are having a deep heart to heart and out of sheer concern you say, Oh, I'm so sorry you're having a hard time, Honey. Well, I can appreciate that.

But calling me Honey or Sweetie, multiple times in one passing conversation, when discussing non-personal - and in fact, business-related - matters, and when I suspect that I was in second grade on the day you were born ... well now, come on, that is just a little bit MUCH.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Post-Halloween High

We've been having a pretty good fall week here at the Muldrows, starting with Halloween and through this weekend. On Wednesday, I got home just in time for a marathon pumpkin carving session.

We also found time to admire our handiwork ...

Oh yeah, did anyone see my chicken around here?

Then, per tradition, we packed up said chicken and met the gang at Trainwreck like we do every year. (Note to self: why would we EVER question the location? We always say expensive beer and bad service. But there are two other much more important words: Mexican ravioli).

And we had new friends join us this year - Mike's friend Brad and his girlfriend Dawn, who are both big Matthew fans, and vice versa.

AND we got some very awesome incredible and just so amazing news ... that I maybe shouldn't share here - but to the readers who know who they are - YAHOOOO!!!!

We had a great time, and you'd have thought it was Valentine's not All Hallow's Eve, the way the love was in the air that night between our oh so coordinated former lion (beautiful Bridget) and former chicken.
(Hey Matthew, her eyes are up here, buddy).
So it was a great Halloween, and through this weekend, we've been on a post-Halloween high ... could it be the weather? The pumpkins still on the porch? The crisp golden leaves decorating our lawn? Or perhaps, might it be the vast soup pot full of Halloween candy we're been stuffing ourselvevs with whenever we pass through the kitchen?
I think the number "six" was involved when counting up chocolate bars yesterday. Those mini Kit Kats just TAUNT me so.
p.s. For the complete Muldrow 2007 Halloween EXPERIENCE, check out our Picasa album (to the right). Grandmas, you can easily download high resolution copies for printing or screen shots - neat trick with Picasa you can't do with Shutterfly, so it's worth the free software download.