Monday, October 27, 2008

My Other Boys

Because we mostly spend more time with our St. Louis friends, and our closest family is O'Fallon (and we don't even see them much - the rest are Warrensburg, MO, Chi town, Colorado and Arkansas), I don't post as many photos of them as I should.

But these are my OTHER boys - Connor, 7, and Logan, newly 9, my "little brother" Bryan's boys. They live in Warrensburg and my parents, who live there too, took this during what I hear was a lovely fall walk.

These kids are a preview of what I expect my still soft skinned, chubby and semi-controllable toddler boy will become someday: wild, loud, skinny/muscled, with skinned knees...but also super smart, funny, kind hearted, and just plain fun to be around.

Can't wait to see them at Thanksgiving and watch Matthew follow them around like Gods.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a Beautiful Sight

Obama speaking in St. Louis on Saturday.
Wish we could have gone but combination of my eyesight and back row and two kids probably equals, CNN viewing was better ...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Fun, Take 1

We hit Rombach's pumpkin patch this weekend with all the girls ...

From 2008 October
Kim, Amelia, Erin, Bridget, Rachel and moi.

All the guys ...
From 2008 October
Mark, with no kid (HAHAHA), Tim, Shane, Mike and Matthew

And all the yellow school buses.
From 2008 October
Defying gravity are Rachel, Shane, Amelia, Bridget and Matthew

Nice photo shopping, EEJ. It seriously does look like our children are prodigies able to sit/stand by themselves and even drive the bus. Even Rachel looks like she can hold her head up, hooray!

Doesn't it look like we had fun?
From 2008 October
Actually, we did. A ton.

Sure, these outings are now very different than they used to be. They are no longer beer soaked, smoking and darts and Golden Tee 3 a.m. nightmares. Instead, we're doing bottle and spit up and tantrum and sticky hand laden afternoon kidfests. But I have to say, having these five kids hang out is fantastic. Loving every minute of this next step of our lives.

And of course this post wouldn't be complete without a pumpkin pic.
From 2008 October
(Thanks EEJ. That was a LOT easier than uploading and digging through my own!)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Sunday will be Mike's and my seventh anniversary. SEVEN!!! We'll celebrate the occassion by taking two probably grumpy babies to my work picnic and carting them around in crowds and heat.

Ha ha, just kidding. Well, we WILL do that. But first we'll celebrate for real. Because Libby is a saint on earth, she agreed to babysit Saturday night so we could go out. WITHOUT KIDS. WITHOUT PREGNANT BELLY. And, so help me, WITHOUT GUILT.

Erin and Tim had done this for us just before Rachel was born, and that was great. But there's one thing this date night will have that was missing before. Just one little detail...ALCOHOL.

So, internet friends, what should we DOOOO??

Because we don't go out and because if we do it involves the worlds "sports" and "bar", I don't know where we should eat or what cute little place we should go for drinks after?

Or, if we go the more high brow route, what good movies are out now? You know, that you would go see, if you could, if you weren't at home caring for one or two babies (my readership is as housebound as I am, I fear).

Or if you don't have comments, at least vote in my poll. Need all the help I can get after seven years.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here We Got Again

I am excited for tonight's third election 2008 debate, although I don't know why. I've decided when any of these 4 open their mouths, it means hours of work for me to fact check any damn thing they say.

On a REALLY GOOD day I might spend one. And that's ONLY because I'm on maternity leave and have access to my laptop every few hours when I'm stuck on the couch for an hour feeding baby Rachel. During my "normal" life, if I spent an hour or two a week tackling this stuff, it's a good week.

So here's why this post is labeled "annoying": Why can't politicians not vacillate between talking in empty hyperbole, and then borderline (or in some cases flat out) lying? Can't they talk straight, in specifics, without bending the truth?

The American people just don't have time for this. People are busy raising the kids that the healthcare debate's out, and working the jobs that the economic debate's about. It sucks that we can't just tune in and listen and know who our preferred candidates based on our meshing with their politics.

Not who's whipped up the most inspirational speech or worse, the biggest tall tales.

And everyone, one last request. Please let's drop the affected accents when you're talking to us "regular folks." Obama's got his and I know for damn sure Palin's got hers. Maybe Biden should debate McCain because at least I could focus on their words not whether they're dropping their g's.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

P.S. Okay NOW I'm Stalling

But you have to watch this oldie but goodie from the Daily Show (thanks Kate!).

The spirit of American civil disobedience at its best. Or at its most pot-smoking-ist.

Yes I AM Super Busy Over Here

Which is why I just spent 20 minutes on and off taking this cool memory test. I did pretty well and now feel smart for the day. So it WAS productive and DEFINITELY not a stall tactic as I contemplate how to avoid putting away laundry, feed infant, shower ...