Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bright Spots

So by Thursday night my peppyness was a bit done. I was tired and ready to be home, but still had a long day of work and traveling ahead Friday.

Woke up Friday and various things set me off to a bad start. So texted Mike, "Off to a bad start, better send me a good pic [meaning of Matthew] quick."

I didn't get a pic, but got an even better text message back:

A plane just flew overhead and matthew looked up and screamed hi mama hi mama

The day improved markedly as did my mood after that.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Travelin' Woman

Greetings from Philly! I'll be here all week, folks, catch the midnight show. Feels like I've already performed it - twice. Why is it no matter how smoothly business travel goes, it just leaves you ... utterly exhausted? Oh duh, it's the bags, the lines, the shoes off (probably a killer fatigue/foot disease spread to me on Lambert's vinyl floor this morning) and the take out food (fries, chips, lattes, oh my!)

My phone conversations with Matthew really help me get through the week now, though. When he was a baby and I traveled, I couldn't tell him night night, send him kisses, and have his Dada relay that he's kissing the phone in response. I couldn't hear him tucking his babies in, or yelling "MAMA!" when Mike first puts me on speaker. Or have him describe that he ate "orangies" for lunch, or what he's doing right now - "gold car, dwive!"- which of course means driving home from the store in Daddy's gold Pathfinder.

I'm sure it's not exactly easy on him when I'm gone. But he's having a great spring break week with his daddy, so this was fortuitous timing. And now that we can "talk" on the phone, I have direct evidence that he's happy, he's okay, every day and every night, until I'm back to make sure of that again myself.

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Oth Side!"

That's how Matthew says "other side" - which you'd be surprised to know can OFTEN be worked into conversation. Like when we're reading books (turning pages/other side), when we give hugs (first hug/other side/new hug on other shoulder) or really, you know, anytime we're holding something with two sides. Gotta check out the "oth side!!"

That's how I feel about getting past his surgery - glad we're on the other side.

Most of the day was waiting - 2 hours before the surgery, about 50 minutes for the surgery, another hour with him still away from us in the recovery room, and then another hour or so all hanging together in our room eating popsicles and animal crackers so make sure there's no tummy problems from anesthesia (none).

The only time I got at all emotional was seeing his actual incision - it's about 1 1/4 inches, and RED. It's taped up with a big clear bandage (like a second skin) the doctor will remove in a week. It's not bothering him at all; we do call it his ouwie. But we even could get it wet, and he doesn't seem bothered.

So it was obviously a very smooth experience. The only time HE got upset was when they were removing the IV (being held in his left hand below by the blue wrap aka his bowling glove) and the tape holding it on. Fair to say we were proud of our trooper.The St. John's pediatric surgery nurses were fabulous. It reminded me of St. Luke's nurses when I had Matthew - visiting constantly, offering meds, making sure you're comfy, bringing you Sprites... just total care givers.

Anyway - we certainly felt lucky to have something so minor, when there were kids in there having real illnesses going on. Just breaks my heart to even think of it. But, I'm certainly glad it's over and that since Friday he's been climbing on stuff he shouldn't and running through the house like a wildman - back to normal.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Sun'll Come Out, To-mor-row

And we'll all be up to see it - dawn, that is.

Tomorrow's d-day - as in, de-hernia-ing day for Matthew.

I have focused intently on NOT focusing on this moment for weeks. Now, tomorrow, my son will be wheeled away in a wagon after being given "happy juice," after we arrive at 6:30 a.m. at St. John's with nothing in his tummy and his jammies and dirty diaper still on (aka hopefully he's sleeping).

He'll then be given anesthesia, operated on, and returned to us promptly within 45 minutes.

Forty-five long minutes, in which I've already been warned by a well-meaning colleague that I may "just have to let it out." I feel guilty but I'm not sure what "it" is really? I am so focused on not worrying, I can't really predict if I'll get emotional?

But I do know when I was reading to him tonight, I was kinda going in for extra kisses, extra hair brushing off his face. I was disappointed when he wanted to go right in his crib vs. demanding extra cuddling time like most nights.

And yes, I am still awake when I shouldn't be because yes, I guess I'm nervous.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yes I Watch It and I'm Gonna Start Posting About It

AMERICAN IDOL: one of my guilty "I'm pregnant and I'm gonna lay here and watch it" TV shows.

Anyone else loving Jason?

That Australian is getting on my last nerve all of a sudden.

Has a black person EVER won this show? Did Fantasia win? I like Syesha and Chickeezie, although he truly needs a new name.

That country hoochie must have been CRAZY to sing 8 Days a Week, honky tonk style and think it was even bearable, much less good. I can't believe she's still here.

Last - I think I have a crush on Simon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What Month is This?

How did we go from 77 degrees and this at Forest Park on Sunday:

To 7 inches of snow and this on Tuesday in Shrewsbury:

So far in March, I'd say we got that lion part covered. Now I am ready for soft fluffy lambs.

Results are In

And YES, I am excited Hillary won OH and TX. And surprised, go Hil!

I definitely credit the Tina Fey SNL clip. Which apparently NBC will punch me in the face for posting here, so I won't even try. But it's worth finding on YouTube.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Many STL Blog Posts Today are ... SNOW DAY!

Well, phooey on them. I didn't have one, but Mike and Matthew did.

I had a snow drive, snow work, snow drive home early and now snow work from home.

This is when being a teacher goes from underpaid raw deal, to sweet A setup. Mike is still in his jammies.

Still, getting my picture message of my son grinning in our front yard snow, playing with his Daddy unexpectedly on a weekday made me appreciate our Snow Day just as much.

And can I just SAY our little 1994, pushing past 200K miles Acura, is one helluva snowcat! Must be its Colorado roots (where Grama Dale and Grampa Bob live, it used to be theirs).