Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I am thrilled, I am proud, I am excited.
I am also nervous and not convinced the world's now perfect. There is a tremendous if not unmanagable need for Obama (would have been the same for McCain) to perform, lead, at such a high level, in such a time of unrest, concerns, fears and yes, I guess, crisis, in our country.
I believe he is up for the task, truly. But I know he can't "fix it all." And who can imagine in today's world of terrorism and economic turbalence, how the next 4 months, much less 4 years, will really unfold? What his administration will have to respond to? How they will really juggle all those balls at once, as he famously told McCain during the campaign suspension? How he can really live up to all those campaign promises? (Side note to Pres Elect: At least focus on healthcare and education, and I'll let ya off the hook on taxes and clean energy for a while...)
But regardless. Regardless. Something amazing ... truly, amazing and historic as historic GETS ... has occurred. Juan Williams said on FOX, this isn't just FOR the history books, it might be the COVER of the history books. He may be right. (By the way, his comments after the announcement were very emotional, sincere and touching. Glad I've braved FOX lately to catch them.)
Like many, it brought tears to my eyes. It made me truly joyous and optimistic. And, most powerfully, it previewed how different the world will look when my kids can vote. What will and won't be "normal" for them is so vastly different than what our parents and even we have grown up with, I am hoping they almost will not believe us when we tell them about it.
We've crossed a line that I believe we will never go back over. (Next up: the ladies!!!) It wasn't the reason for my vote. But it is the reason my vote meant so much. And the reason for which I was so proud to have my 10 week old daughter with me, in her Daddy's arms, as we was able to vote for someone we both feel very good about. Who also is black.
Side note: I was also very proud that I brought her home from the hospital on the day the second woman in history was nominated for VP. No matter how violently I did not support her as a candidate, I respect that Sarah Palin too will go down in history for this election - and who knows what others to come. And, that she stepped boldly up to the plate, took the hits, and worked her ass off to take another step forward on behalf of not just women but our country.
Congratulations, President Obama. God bless you and keep you and yours safe. And please do the kick ass job that I think you will.
Posted by Aimee at 9:07 AM 5 comments
Our Next President