Monday, January 14, 2008

Yea - We've Crossed the Picket Lines!

No, not the writers; alas, Golden Globes was not meant to be this year. No, I mean me, picketing my poor blog.

Because it's been busy since Christmas. And crazy, and exciting. And I've been exhausted, and moving a little slower. And going to doctor appointments.

And updating my new blog.

Because ...


Most of my six loyal blog readers except Sarah G. knew this by now. And Sarah, I'm sorry for not telling you personally! You are a better preggo than I ... the personal phone calls have been at a minimum for me this time ... fraid e-mail updates have been the standard fare ... but I know you'll forgive me. And we can both order giant lunches with abandon together at Elephant Bar this weekend!

Anyway, I started the second blog to more focus on my pregnancy experience this time, and especially how it'll be different with a new job and you know, a Kid. And, I want this blog to stay focused on the rest of my life, and Matthew.

Feel free to read both - or to skip what will undoubtedly sometimes be an uber-boring documentation of preggo symptoms and yes, you know it's coming, preggo complaints.

For the top-line on symptoms: I have morning sickness, and fatigure, but that's it. Neither are killing me, and both come and go. I am healthy so far, and my first ultrasound went great!

I am overall more nervous this time. My doctor is treating this pregnancy more cautiously because of being pregnant/not pregnant back in October. So I'm, well, very respectful of the whole process this time. And appreciative of every blood test that goes back to my doctor, telling her I'm still knocked up.

So with that - I will be fixing a fattening but feels-physically-necessary snack and off to bed. God, feels like just yesterday I was sneaking to bed at 8 p.m. to feed unborn baby Matthew and me a bathtub sized bowl of chocolate ice cream ...


erindelanty said...

Hooray - glad you're back! Summer babies '08 - Bridget and Matthew don't even know what they are in store for, do they?

Sarah Guckes said...

Aimee - That's great news!!! I'm so happy for you guys. There will be lots of new babies in 08!

Me? A Mom? said...

Congrats again! 2008 babies rock!!