Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hell Hath No Fury...

Like me driving to work this morning in the midst of the National Baptist Church Convention traffic. Totally unexpected and totally unpleasant

It took me an HOUR to make a 15 - 18 minute commute. Most of that hour was spent between the Memorial Drive 44 exit ... and the 1/4 mile stretch of Memorial Drive that I take before turning onto Pine.

The last two minutes of that hour were spent as follows:

Floor it to sneak in front of the jackass that won't let me over
Get stopped because another jackass is partially blocking my lane on the right
Get incredibly agitated with being 100 feet away from parking garage and yet, not IN garage.
Try to squeeze by jackass #2 on his left.

That last is my car crunching past JA#2's bumper. I stopped and she stopped. We both rolled down windows. We both looked back toward rear ends of our cars. I actually went so far as to yell over to her, "I THINK I JUST DID THAT...?!"

She shot me a dirty look and drove off.

To celebrate slash console myself, I headed down to Starbuck's. Already late, right?

Now, what do you think happened at the Starbuck's on the morning of a giganto convention that is taking over the city? Yes, it was swamped. With people with name tags, looking WAYYY too chipper to be the evil doers I had just done battle with (but they were still not fooling me).

I almost turned right back and left. But come on people, this is my latte we're talking about. I waited for my coffee and watched all the conventioneers politely chatting away, waiting for theirs. Someone dropped a $5 and I gave it back and she was very sweet about it. Plus the Starbuck's people themselves act like your long lost Aunt/Uncle, "Here sweetie, you have a GREAT day now..." Okay I THINK I WILL, THANK YOU!

I finally headed off to work at 9:40 this morning, soothing hot coffee love in hand. And - Erin - tried to guess whether those Baptists would have held the door for me or not ... cuz they sure as h-e-double hockey sticks were NOT letting me over in traffic ten minutes earlier.

1 comment:

erindelanty said...

you're going to need to start a starbucks label for your posts like me...hmm..do you think that says something about us? btw, did they hold the door?! talk about leaving me in suspense!