What's Wrong with this Picture? At Home, Vol. 1
Anyone else live like this?
Anyone up for a toy swap?
I feel confident that if even just the few loyal readers of this blog joined with me in a round-robin with our kids' toys, we could put Fischer-Price and Baby Einstein out of business. Not that this is my goal ... love you guys!!! ... and your plastic crap, so attractively priced at the $17 or less price point so that I don't think twice about buying it. And NO one named Grama or Aunt thinks twice about gifting it.
But if we stopped buying and started trading, I'm pretty sure there'd be no need to buy more books, toys or stuffed animals, especially for our number two's or three's.
I am thinking some type of library-card type check out system. We could meet at Starbuck's for a latte for the handoff. I'll take a Venti Skim Vanilla and that stack of Curious George books in exchange for this Sandra Boynton collection. Or this giant toddler-height Easter bunny for your Baby Einstein piano.
Because, and I think I speak for everyone at least in my household ... there is no need for 68 toys to be pulled out and picked out 129 times a day. And there's probably no need for one two-foot short stuff to have 68 toys anyway.
When all he really needs is one $2 wiffle ball bat and some space to roam.

sign us up. lately she doesn't seem to like anything that's not directly under the chair where i'm working... you know things like cords, cpus, trash...classic baby toys.
ps.. i love that second picture on there. really cool!
Well I already have your baby swing so I think i'm already a member of the program! I'm definitely up for this though I don't think I'll hvae much to swap until you give Matthew a sibling...
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