Of Course, Mini-Vacuums Are Another Story
Despite yesterday's attack on the world of toys, I will now express my joy and adoration for the newest addition to our household, courtesy of Libby.

Matthew's very own vacuum.

He had one he LOVED at his playgroup. In its absence at home, he's taken to pushing any toy out in front of him along the floor in a vacuum-esque stance ... a bat, a toy piano, one of my plastic mixing spoons.

Now, he can feel useful. AND train for his future as the world's greatest husband.

There's nothing quite like a man with a vacuum. Next up: a toy iron, cappuccino maker, and manicure/pedicure station to practice on his mommy. THEN I'll think we'll be even for the 50 plus pounds I gained to have him.
1 comment:
hey pal - you can come practice vacuuming at aunt erin's house ANYTIME!
there are lots and lots of big clumps of dog hair to practice vacuuming up and then you can practice how to de-clog your little vacuum cleaner when it stops sucking up the dog hair... and then you can practice cussing out the dogs for having too much hair and the vacuum cleaner for not being hardy enough...
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