Sunday, December 16, 2007

Anyone else have this? (Libby I'm talking to you here)

I'm getting a little work done. It's quiet (Mike's doing the same and Matt's in bed and dogs are having a snow party outside).

And all I can hear ringing in my head is...
uppee uppee uppee UPPEEEEEE!
uppee UPPEE!

We taught him cutesy words like "uppey" for getting picked up and "milkies" for, well, milk.

But my how the too cute luster fades when screamed 800 times a day in your general direction. Not sure what's going on with him but all of a sudden - and all weekend long - he is all "I NEED UPPEEES and I need them NOW. NOW being EVERY 10 SECONDS. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE DOING THE DISHES OR PULLING HOT THINGS OUT OF THE OVEN. Like, NOW MOMMY!"

For one brief moment, I'll admit the quiet peace of my office is not sounding too bad tomorrow.


Me? A Mom? said...

Okay, is it a full moon or something? Because Lila is acting all needy too. Yesterday I attempted to sling her on my back just so I could get some things done around the house.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Anytime I am standing at the kitchen counter, he wants upeee. You can't really do anything without him wanting uppeee!

erindelanty said...

Luckily my friend from my good old UMSL teaching days warned me about "uppie" when Bridget was born (her daugter is almost exactly a year older). She made me promise, no matter how cute and appealing it seemed at matter what...

Now if only she had warned me about the word more... "" EVERYTHING is more.

Anonymous said...

John's version of uppee is a noise sort of like, "eh eh eh" and he tries to climb up on me. With his blanket in hand. I guess this noise also means "more" or "again" because I had to read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" about six times in a row today. each time I finished I got "eh eh eh".