Thursday, December 20, 2007

My God What Have I Been Thinking

Anyone who knows me knows get stressed. About work. Constantly. Just can't shut down, not worry, let it go.

It's more my problem than anything probably. Maybe. But regardless I've found a new solution.

When you come home late and just have time to put read 1/2 a story and then put your baby to bed and you're feeling a little bummed about that...and you're having to wait 20 min for your stupid stupid frozen pizza...

And your husband offers you white wine...

You say YES!

I am not a big weekday drinker. Between wake ups, headaches, chores and Points, it's just not been my thing. Until now.

Two glasses in (yup) I feel better than I have in days. Weeks. After a hellaciously stupidly long day, I'm now happily blogging with no cares in the world. Sure they'll be there tomorrow and probably double from whatever I'm neglecting tonight.

But right now - all's right with the world - Merry Christmas to all, and to all a helluva good night.

1 comment:

erindelanty said...

all i can say is:

1) yes, i live by that, too.

2) i'm very very jealous of that right now since supposedly two glasses of wine a night just isn't looked highly upon when growing a human being... jealous jealous jealous

3) so enjoy it while you can sister... but not for too long. wink wink.