Well It's About Time for Some Holiday Cheer
It's been a long time between posts and tonight doesn't hold much more promise for a meaningful update as I need to stop soon and pack for my trip tomorrow.
(Side note: thought I'd catch up on my posting while I traveled last week but somehow between catching up on e-mail and dinnner each night, I just ran out of steam around 9 every night. Somehow just being out of town took it out of me. I think my body sensed there's no baby husband or dogs around to need anything ... and just shuts down ... and demands that I self-soothe (being away sucks) by laying in the hotel bed in my p.j.'s eating ice cream from the hotel shop while watching HBO movies.)
Anyway, since I returned it's been a flurry of holiday fun before I left again. Including a visit to Santa (photo, tears and all TO COME once I figure out my scanner), a pre-Christmas visit with Grama LeBaige and not one but TWO trips to Toys R Us (and I know I'm not done) for various kid gifts.
And then - da da da DA - we got our TREE!
Matthew was pretty interested for a while. "Ball, ball!" and liked to shake them. And two broken as a result.He got most excited about hanging his little teddy bear ... which was actually MINE when I was a kid. Ah, does it get any better than that?
Must have taken 20 photos to get one showing the lighting decently. A photographer, I ain't.
One cheery holiday task down, 892 to go!
The tree looks great. And you look fantastic! Are you still losing weight? You are super slim my friend. Yeah you!!
You're ahead of us - we still don't even have a tree and probably won't until right before. :(
I love it though - great minds do stress alike. Oh, and I learned from my mom - they make plastic unbreakable ornaments -but they look super real. She was throwing them all over the lake house with no ornament tragedies. I'm going to get some for the bottom of the tree! :)
Just to clarify - my mom was not throwing them all over the house as it sounds like from my previous comment. That would be Bridget throwing them all over the house.
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