Monday, February 25, 2008

I Can't Take it Anymore!

I so don't have time for this but my barren blog needs posting. Also, my poor mother in law must be dying for a Matthew update.

Here goes.

Everything's not just "no" it's "No Way!" As in, "Mtthew do you want an orange?" "No Way!"

Everything out of his eyesight is "hiding." Daddy's in the shower? Hiding. Remote control partially under a magazine? Hiding. Red Fish, Blue Fish Dr. Seuss illustration of cartoon arms and hands reaching across the page? Naturally, hiding.

He runs everywhere, and is fast.

He nightly goes around kissing all animals on the lips. The cat especially gets the treatment, with him gently manouvering her head around like they're on their first date.

He and his buddy Jackson across the street have moved past biting and hitting to giggling, playing and getting into trouble together.

He learns what seems like five new words a day. He knows his letters and we're working on numbers.

He is enamored with Xuxa, a Brazillian woman who makes children's DVDs. Thanks Aunt Fernanda! As we cart him around househunting the last few Sundays, he's happy in "Shosha!" land in the backseat.

He labels things "Funny!" when he makes use laugh. He knows when he's being silly.

He LOVES his new play area we setup in the basement and demands to go "Down, down!?" constantly. I barely got my bye bye kiss today, he was practically hurdling the safety gate.

He simply loves taking showers!

Since no guilty belated update would be complete without visuals, here he is wearing his AWESOME big brother to be shirt from Aunt Erin (and available to the paying public

Hopefully I have broken my blogging block. More to come soon, my peeps.

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