Saturday, August 23, 2008

One of My Faves

There are SO many mommy bloggers out there, but somehow Alexa of Flotsam has captured me lately and more than most.

First, she is hilar. WISH I could write like this. Second, she is honest. But third, it's not just that she's honest, it's that she just nails it.

Warning, this one's kind of sad, part of a string of posts that are VERY sad, reflecting on the loss of her second twin before birth. But it's also captures WHY mommy blogs matter and WHY we should all feel free to post what the hell we damn please so say:

I think sometimes we try too hard to fit our lives into the shapes of the
stories we know. I doubt we’ll ever really stop doing that, so I believe the
best we can do is to make sure there are as many stories out there as
possible. The women who have written honestly about motherhood—the
good and the bad—helped me through moments of my pregnancy when I wonderd if I’d be too anxious and overwhelmed to be a good mother. Whatever I felt, I knew that it would be ok, that others had felt it too, and had sent their reassuring lighthouse beams out into the murky waters for me.
After I brought Simone home, I almost felt guilty posting about how much I adored motherhood (this is VERY ADVANCED GUILT—don’t try it at home), because I didn’t want someone who enjoyed it less to feel bad. Obviously, I was missing the point. In elementary school we had a program called U R UNIQUE, a sort of cork-board precursor to a blog. Each week a new classmate would festoon the appointed corner of the room with artifacts of herself: pictures, favorite toys, trophies. They would give a presentation of everything Them, and the display would remain up for the rest of us to look at, to see all the little ways we were the same
and different.I like French fries dipped in blue cheese dressing. My house? Is
FILTHY. Having a baby was the best thing that ever happened to my sex life. I’m
a morning person. I wish I didn’t wish I were thinner. I drink my coffee black.
My daughter was a twin. I’m sad about her brother sometimes, but not as much as
you’d think. Right now, I am happier than I have ever been.
I just love that I can sit here on an early morning before anyone's up (can't sleep - late preggo mom stuff - that I'm sure 100 other people are blogging about now). And drink my coffee and read awesome stuff connects me to other women this smart.

THIS is why Dooce was so right on the Today show, and why Kathy Lee needs to learn how to use a &$^%'ing computer.


erindelanty said...

totally one of my faves, too, she is awesome! i've been reading that series and so impressed by her candor and strength.

kathie lee can suck it, i'll remember this as such a part of my early momhood and how it helped me through so much!

Kate said...

You know, I started reading this blog awhile ago and had to stop because I didn't have the energy to go through the emotion. And now, I just got sucked back in and am nearly in tears. And I'm not even pregnant.