Monday, August 25, 2008

Bye Bye, Olympics, We Hardly Knew Ye...

So last night I'm ironing and thinking, okay, I can have the closing ceremonies on in the background. But NO, that was not enough. I quickly realized the giant human flame tower, the 8,748,994 costumed dancers and, yes, the many MANY flying people they whipped out for the closing, required much more of my attention than I could split with ironing.

I hate to think what it cost and how many people that could feed or clothe or do something else more productive with. But G.D., China had some STYLE. They were preparing that for nine months. THAT IS HOW LONG IT TAKES TO COOK A HUMAN! Their ceremony was probably more refined/elegant, though, I betcha. No offense, kiddo.

I also can't believe it's over. Kind of relieved - last few days of track, diving, BMX didn't have the same hold over me as swimming and gymnastics and volleyball. But it was comforting knowing that it was always on, and since it is so limited and special, well, it was just kind of this "thing" going in our household at all times for the last two weeks, probably like everyone else.

It is also very mentally tied in my mind to the arrival of this kiddo. So now that it's over, I SUPPOSE SOMEONE WILL TAKE THE HINT and come on out.

Unless, God help me, I hope she's not timing her delivery to the wrap of the Dem convention.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I think you know how I feel about this matter:

Good riddance, I say.

Now, lets address why in the hell you were IRONING the night before your induction. Were you getting the wrinkles out of your CRAZY PANTS so you could wear them some more? Go put your feet up, woman!

PS - THANKS for the chocolate. I miss you. I'm thumping on the wall but there's no answer (SIGH).