Mood Swings

The next minute, we're loving life.

And by "we" I mean Matthew and me. Well, and baby Rachel.
I'm pretty sure Mike and the dogs are holding their own providing meals and sleep keep occurring in some way shape or form.
My Toddler Boy-New Baby GIRL!-Working Mom-Just Whatever I Think-Blog
Posted by Aimee at 9:57 AM 2 comments
Adjusting to Two,
To me, it's a weird, uber political and kinda weenie move for McCain to talk about cancelling the presidential debate Friday.
But mainly, I'm just disappointed. Because I have been looking forward to this for weeks, pretty much ever since Rachel came home and I've been watching more CNN than I thought humanly possible.
I was all excited for a big Friday night complete with ordering Domino's pizza and ranting aloud at the TV. But mainly with having 2-3 glasses of wine and feeling like a normal adult person enjoying some alcohol and feeling pleasantly, err, "relaxed" for one of the first times in ten months.
And now he has threatened that. C'mon, JM...even if I forget Palin and your positions...I can't forgive you for killing my potential buzz!
Posted by Aimee at 9:23 AM 6 comments
I am dying to capture some of my thoughts around this VP choice. But in my post-partum emotional and sleep deprived roller coaster, I'm not sure I've got it all clearly outlined and buttoned up enough to express yet.
For now I will just say that she needs to stop the finger pointing. I don't mean the Obama criticism - go for it. It'll keep flinging back and forth.
I mean, the literal finger pointing and air stab gesticulating - when she talks. SO annoying.
She also must be a robot/alien combo. Which honestly is perhaps a reason TO vote for her? Because I cannot imagine how one can physically return one's self to work 3 days after birth. I could barely physically return myself from the couch to the bed. Or I should say, I could, but not without tears, which I assume wasn't part of her first day back.
As for her record and qualifications, I am not nearly up to speed enough yet to really comment. But I do wish she'd stop repeatedly reminding me how she used to be "just a hockey mom from Alaska." Not really the "take over as head of state in a pinch" quality I'm looking for. Please, GOP campaign peeps - more about her time as governor, and less about hockey and moose wrestling.
Posted by Aimee at 12:36 PM 2 comments