Thursday, September 25, 2008

John McCain is a Major Buzzkill

To me, it's a weird, uber political and kinda weenie move for McCain to talk about cancelling the presidential debate Friday.

But mainly, I'm just disappointed. Because I have been looking forward to this for weeks, pretty much ever since Rachel came home and I've been watching more CNN than I thought humanly possible.

I was all excited for a big Friday night complete with ordering Domino's pizza and ranting aloud at the TV. But mainly with having 2-3 glasses of wine and feeling like a normal adult person enjoying some alcohol and feeling pleasantly, err, "relaxed" for one of the first times in ten months.

And now he has threatened that. C'mon, JM...even if I forget Palin and your positions...I can't forgive you for killing my potential buzz!


erindelanty said...

I agree totally, but I still think they are going to happen. I think that move is too transparent, so I'm holding out hope it will still be on. Want to come over and watch with lots of wine at our house?

Kate said...

Dude, I bet the debate will be on. They just gotta get this economy thing straightened out first.

Unknown said...

If you want Ben and I could come over and mime the debates for you.

Aimee said...

What I would really like it to watch with lots of wine at Erin's house, WHILE Lisa and Ben mime what just happened, during commercial breaks. And, conference call Kate in.

Kate said...

Well that's no good, how would I get to participate in Erin's wine? I mean yeah, we have wine here in Connecticut but it won't be the same.

erindelanty said...

If you jump on a flight out right now, you could probably make it and I'll run to the store and stock up on Shiraz and Chardonnay!