Monday, July 16, 2007

Activity is fun!

For the last two days, I actually exercised. All these months of dieting, this is what's been missing. Now I'm playing sand volleyball on Mondays. And we swam again last night. Twenty minutes and ten laps. I nearly felt ill at the end (which I realize is super duper sad).

But I also felt like, ah, movement! This is what I'm supposed to be doing! Stretching and exercising and using my muscles!

In the past I've always lost weight via exercise. Hardly through dieting at all. This is only the second time, and definitely the most successful, I've done it through diet alone. But now I'm hoping I can kick it into gear and get going at least three times a week. Especially now, when I'm getting more stressed at work, I think it's healthy.

Of course so is the big ol' bowl of ice cream I just ate. But that's neither here nor there.

1 comment:

erindelanty said...

God, i love the slow churn - it makes all the activity worth it when you can kick back and have a well deserved bowl!

keep up the good work you should be very proud!