It WAS a Happy Birthday!
I am very late in wishing Miss Bridget a happy birthday out here. HAPPY WEEK AFTER YOU TURN ONE, BRIDGEY!

I can't believe I didn't blog this weekend when all I could think about was how a short year ago, we went from no extra Delantys to ONE EXTRA DELANTY NAMED BRIDGET AINSLEY!

Miss Bridget, when you arrived, I was nearly as over the moon excited as I was for Matthew. Now our little "St. Louis family" had a matched set - boy and girl - and naturally you would be best friends (I'll stay out of the arranged marriage territory until you're three.)
And now your parents' heads could be spinning from your arrival - just like ours.
Getting to know you and watching you with your family has just been amazing. You are a beautiful, sweet, funny, wonderful little girl.
Getting to know you and watching you with your family has just been amazing. You are a beautiful, sweet, funny, wonderful little girl.

We are so happy to be part of your life to witness the cutest moments in the world, like this. Love you, girlie!

p.s. Matthew says thanks again and no hard feeling about that cake?

I may be biased, but I think that was your best post ever!
Wow, she is beautiful! Erin great job. Congrats on the first year. I would love to go on a bug expedition with you! Aimee you can come too...
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