We Wouldn't Even Have to Forward Our Mail
...If we moved across the street to 7617 Suffolk Avenue, one number up from our address, to the big house across the street that's for sale for a pretty great price.

It leaves a bit to be desired on the outside. But the inside is 2,000 square feet (that would be about 70% more house than we have now) and its FAB. It's got a great lower floor plan, it's sort of circular and just flows nicely. From the entry you see the little sitting room (aka playroom, aka office, aka place for the piano) on the right, and to the left, you go from a nice living room with fireplace, to the dining room (all of which is light and updated with redone wood floors and white trim) back to a big kitchen with big pantry and big eat in, and room for an island.
There's a little back porch that's covered in this cute red trellis, but you could screen it in also. That's IF your dogs don't repeatedly ran their heads against it like current owners' did. Wait, what am I saying ... Bogey would be coming with us, wouldn't he ... Anyway, it has a fully fenced yard, leading back to a two car detached garage.
Back inside on the main floor, there's also a master bedroom downstairs and (here's one hitch) the one full bath that's in the finished part of the home. Upstairs, no bath, but three bedrooms. One's big, one's medium and one's smallish (but oh so perfect for a nursery or my eventual home office; sadly, does look across the street right at ours which COULD give me mental problems, but I'm willing to risk it.) The bigger BR's have two closets each. Plus there's a big crawl space (supposedly a "selling point" because apparently lickety split - at least, according to the agent - you could just whip up another bathroom right there. I'm sure.)
In the basement, there's another full bathroom with shower but that's the only finished part. The rest is huge but unfinished, with that cellar feeling thought it's painted a clean white. There is some "dampness" that comes in during heavy rains (aka, you could easily see the wet spots, but to Tim's point, this sucker's 85 years old. She'll have her little issues, I imagine. At least it's got copper not knob and tube wiring. It's a start right?)
Okay, so ... I don't know why I'm typing all of this. It's not like we're going to run out and buy it. Timing wise, this is all wrong. We are supposed to fix ours up to sell ... all the while continually St. Louis neighborhoods for a potential fit, and fine tuning our list of "must haves," by visiting open houses for a few more months. Then list ours next spring and THEN find our perfect dream home in the Shrewsbury/Webster/Kirkwood area. Right? That's how it'll go, RIGHT?!?
In any case, we are NOT supposed to find something now. Someone took that order down wrong.
Anyone who knows me knows I love my street and wish I didn't have to move from it. I've said before, if I could wake up tomorrow and have a much bigger mortgage and a second story ... or an add-on master bedroom/bath where part of our backyard/patio are now ... I would be a very happy camper. But I also know there's lots of nice neighborhoods and I shouldn't be so attached to this one just because i'ts familiar.
I just, well, am, and so when this house came up (which I'd always threatened to Mike that I'd want to snap up the minute it went on) I was like, OH! Course, I was always half kidding, because I figured it'd be kinda dated and "okay but not great" inside like the outside. But now of course (like so many Sunday open house "browsers" have fallen into the trap before me) I am thinking, I sure wish we could do this house.
It would just be, er, challenging financially to take on a bigger payment, just yet. We'll be in a much better position by next May once our ginormous (for us) car payment ends. And semi-better even after December when my GE Penance Payments end. (Sidebar: The story is that GE kept paying me for a couple checks after I left. Because despite bringing good things to life, they are apparently idiots. I convinced myself (against my goody goody nature) that I was justified to, well, keep it. Because they also sca-REWED me on my incentive comp when I left and basically didn't pay me according to our gentleman's agreement of a comp plan that never got nailed down. (Hint: Don't ever do that. Make people write things down.) So natch, once they realized they overpaid me, we all had a difference of opinion, with their opinion being I owe them every penny and mine being I sure don't want to pay them but can't remotely think about hiring a lawyer to fight something I am probably on paper in the wrong about anyway.)
And so we've paying basically the value of an extra ginormous car payment since spring, through December.
Oh little house across the street. I wish no ill on you or yours. But maybe you will CHOOSE to sit stagnant on the market, for at least a few months ... the owners are just downsizing because all the boys are in college now so they're not necessarily in dire straits.
Maybe they will be hit by a giant wave of nostalgia and wrestle with the idea of really selling it, their sons' boyhood home (well, kind of, they moved their in high school. NONETHELESS!) and turn down all the reasonable offers that come in. Right up until the moment they realize, crap, we must sell this albatross. And to who better than that lovely young couple across the street, who really do look a little cramped but like they'd take great care of our former home ... and who clearly could use about, oh, a $30,000 discount. "Krisantha (yes that's their agent's real name), write up the papers!"
Here are my two cents, and take them with a grain of salt coming from one who will trade in her car on the way home from work and write a contract on a new house at the first open house we go to. BUT I wouldn't wait solely based on timing reasons. If this is something you really want and really like, and you can make it work (even if the timing is not ideal), sometimes you just gotta take that little kick in the pants from fate and go with it.
Here's another new house omen for you - My mom and I JUST this very weekend were reminiscing about the Brown's (much bigger)house across the street from ours that they COULD have afforded waayy back in 1977, but decided the timing (that and my dad being ..ahem.. overly practical)was wrong and didn't buy it. She still kicks herself to this day now that she sees they could have done it. Now, obviously that won't be you guys in the same house 30 years from now looking longingly across the street, but it is still eerily coincidental that we had that conversation this weekend.
Whatever you decide, you know we'll be here to help and ooohhh.. I get giddy just thinking about the thought of.... decorating plans, I can smell the fresh paint now!!!!!
Agreed - the timing never seems right to jump into a larger payment. Sometimes you just have to do it. Drag Mike over there and make it happen!!!
You guys are cracking me up. Who's ready to come paint and clear 100 lbs. of clutter outta my crib? Let the "staging" begin...
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