Post-Halloween High
We've been having a pretty good fall week here at the Muldrows, starting with Halloween and through this weekend. On Wednesday, I got home just in time for a marathon pumpkin carving session.

We also found time to admire our handiwork ...

Oh yeah, did anyone see my chicken around here?

And we had new friends join us this year - Mike's friend Brad and his girlfriend Dawn, who are both big Matthew fans, and vice versa.

We had a great time, and you'd have thought it was Valentine's not All Hallow's Eve, the way the love was in the air that night between our oh so coordinated former lion (beautiful Bridget) and former chicken.

So it was a great Halloween, and through this weekend, we've been on a post-Halloween high ... could it be the weather? The pumpkins still on the porch? The crisp golden leaves decorating our lawn? Or perhaps, might it be the vast soup pot full of Halloween candy we're been stuffing ourselvevs with whenever we pass through the kitchen?
I think the number "six" was involved when counting up chocolate bars yesterday. Those mini Kit Kats just TAUNT me so.
p.s. For the complete Muldrow 2007 Halloween EXPERIENCE, check out our Picasa album (to the right). Grandmas, you can easily download high resolution copies for printing or screen shots - neat trick with Picasa you can't do with Shutterfly, so it's worth the free software download.
Matthew's a butt man. Excellent.
p.s. - You are looking GREAT!
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