Saturday, May 10, 2008

With my family asleep, and me for some reason piddling away online delaying it, I just spent 20 minutes on

And naturally, entirely predictably, I am now left thinking, well, shit. That's 20 minutes I can't get back.

So I'll just pay it forward by saving you the same amount of time to use for something else more useful, more meanginful, more pleasurable. Such as nosehair plucking, toenail trimming, earwax digging, or the like.

Lest you be tempted to visit, I can tell you the contents right here. Ready?
Stupid intro letter from Tom about how he loves to make movies
Stupid video clips of his movies strung together with stupid mission impossible theme song
Stupid stupid TigerBeatesque photo gallery
Link to oh-so-candid (yeah, right) Oprah interview
Complete lack of a point whatsoever

Just don't, don't, don't bother. You won't find a peep about Brooke Shields, postpartum or Scientology. You will also realize Katie and Suri don't exist, because they aren't mentioned anywhere. And you will realize Tom is for sure hetero because there's lots of clips of him kissing lots of girls.

All it took was one $200K website and some Flash and now I know I should listen to him when he says to take my vitamins. Because, you know, he's such a SERIOUS AND IMPORTANT movie star.


erindelanty said...

you are too funny. i do stuff like that all the time, too.

did you see the oprah thing? molly and i watched 2.5 seconds of it in the hospital and that was enough for us! they are the robot family, contrived and fake - weird!

Kate said...

I just really hope that 10 or 15 or however many years from now, Katie Holmes writes some sort of "tell-all" book about this. Because it's waaaaay strange and creepy, this whole Scientology racket.

Anonymous said...

mr cruise, I am a BIG movie fan and have seen most of your movies. I'm sorry that things did not work out in your marriage and I know you will miss little Suri when U cant see her when you want.

U are a terrific actor and this is coming from an eighty year old woman who has seen almost ever good looking hunk since the talkies.

I know that you will always show little Suri in a variety of ways just who her Daddy is.

I have been studying Scientology and it isnt much different from other belief. I do believe we have been transplanted here, with various talents, from another life. I am well educated in the Sciences and Psychology so I find nothing wrong in your belief. After all religion is a personal thing and each of us have to figure it out for ourselves.

Good luck to you and Suri. God bless the both of you. mary cartee

Anonymous said...

By the way. It would be a refreshing change if children were taught several types of religious beliefs and let them make up their own minds when the feel the need instead of truning them lose to become ignorant and get into all kinds of trouble. Scientology is as good as any of the other beliefs. After all, the most famous painting of Christ's crufixtion has two space ships in the upper right and left hand corners.