It's been a while since I've done a general Matthew update since, well, work doesn't pay me to. So Grandma Dale, here's your grandson's latest ...
Snuggling the kitty by putting his big noggin on her and smiling and quieting saying "Awwww." Then pulling her tail hard and repeatedly.
Vacuuming. With the REAL vacuum.
Playing with his toy barn and farm animals and sometimes making the proper animal noises. Don't you know ducks say "Neigh"?)
Running through the house at top speed with absolutely adorable big diaper bottom wiggle.
Pointing and saying "Ga ga!" when he wants something/more of it.
Cuddling his stuffed animals.
Repeating parts of his books to us, like the "Shhhh" part of Pajama Time or "Oh no no no" part of Moo Ba La La La.
Pointing out and yelling out "Truck!" when we're driving or really when we're anywhere and even sense there MIGHT be a truck nearby. Only it's "Crock!"
Repeating almost any word we really work with him on. Which mostly all sound like "Cruck!"
Spinning on his sit and spin.
Using a spoon to feed himself oatmeal, yogurt and rice.
Coloring outside with his sidewalk chalk. After letting us know by walking to the door with the box of chalk and pointing at it "Aeuugh! Aeughh!"
Hitting golf balls (and our armoire and the walls and as I'm sure time will tell, any living thing within striking distance) with his REAL metal golf club from the Joneses.
Screaming "NOOOoooooo" at just about anything we want him to do. Minus above items.
Horses. Tonight he got scared of a photo (of himself with Grandma's horse mind you) as well as the embroidered horse on his quilt.
Eating. Lately it's only on his schedule, the amount he wants and what he wants. And pretty much that's just yogurt, aka "Go-go!"
Sitting on his bottom in the bathtub.
Being on the changing table for longer than four seconds.
Having anyone else use a spoon to feed him oatmeal, yogurt and rice, or eating these without getting them on the floor, (as Grandma LeBaige found out.)
Not vaccuming when dammit, he wants to vacuum!
He has been alternately a toddler monster (oh GOD what happens to their tempers when they turn two?) and the most fun he's ever been. He will do stuff lately that just makes you roll laughing, not that I can think of any one thing right now. The constant obsession with putting on giant shoes and walking around (this weekend it was Grandpa's, OVER his own) doesn't hurt.
But in general it's just his delight with everything. Peek a boo is suddenly ten times more exciting as he can really pull the blankey totally over his own head. And he will WAIT. When you finally say "Where's Matthew?" and he pulls it off and you yell "There he is!" he just goes crazy and lets out this screech of pure delight that is so genuine and adorable it makes me laugh out loud, so then he laughts, and it just goes from there. For months I've been jealous of the cat's singular ability to get this much animation out of him.
And so, here are some recent photos capturing life with Matthew in late summer 2007.
Big boy spoon!

You gotta love that cheese face.

Last day for the pool (you can tell he's heart broken?

Two shots on his 15 month visit, ouchee!
At work.
At play.